Price by Country for Woocommerce

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Set dynamic WooCommerce pricing by country to optimize global sales and customer experience.


Key features:

1. Adjust the standard prices of products according to the customer’s country of residence. Establish pricing rules that are based on geographical location at the product, category, and global levels. Identify the customer’s country through their IP address, billing address, and shipping address. Modify product prices by predetermined fixed amounts or by a percentage. Implement real-time updates to display location-specific pricing on the checkout page when a customer alters their billing or shipping information. Develop regional pricing strategies for individual products or establish global rules to apply pricing variations across the entire store. This system is compatible with the Rest API.
General Settings Of Price By Country:Upon enabling the Price by Country plugin in the WordPress dashboard, two tabs will be displayed under the plugin’s name: General Settings and Global Ruleset Settings. Activate Module This module facilitates the initiation of work on the front-end. Pricing Alternatives There are three methods to ascertain the customer’s country, which include:
Identifying the country based on the user’s IP address.
Determining the country from the customer’s billing address.
Establishing the country from the customer’s shipping address.

Price By Country Settings At Product Level:

The pricing configurations can be found in the Price By Country tab located within the settings for simple products. In contrast, for product variations, the pricing rules can be established under each individual variation. The status section offers three options to activate country-based pricing for the product:
Unique: This option enforces the pricing rule specific to the product on the front-end, overriding both category and global rules.
Inherit: This setting disregards the product-specific pricing rule and instead refers to the pricing rules defined in the associated category settings or at the global level.
Disable: Selecting this option will prevent the application of country-based pricing rules for the product on the front-end.

Pricing Settings At Category Level:

Should the product level settings adopt the pricing rules, the category level rule sets become instrumental in managing the product’s pricing on the front-end. Price By Country includes three pricing options: unique, inherit, or disable, akin to product settings, to facilitate country-based pricing within the product category.

The established rule set facilitates global pricing and comprises four distinct sections: country selection, pricing type, fixed amount, and action. In the Countries section, the administrator has the option to select one or multiple countries to which the pricing rule will be applied. The Type of Price column features a drop-down menu that includes options for increasing by a fixed price, increasing by a percentage, decreasing by a fixed price, reducing by a percentage, and setting a fixed price.
When the Fixed Price option is chosen, the specified amount completely replaces the regular prices of the products rather than merely adjusting them. Selecting Increase By Fixed Price results in an increase to the product’s regular price by the specified fixed amount. Conversely, choosing Decrease By Fixed Price leads to a reduction in the product’s regular price by the specified fixed amount.
The Increase By Percentage option raises the product’s regular price by a percentage of that price, while the Decrease By Percentage option lowers it by a percentage of the regular price.
In the Amount section, users can input the desired amount after selecting the appropriate pricing type.

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